Our ministry focuses on children in the 10/40 window, the poorest part of the world.
Hebrews 13:16- “And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.” (NLT)
25th Anniversary Celebration July 27th.
Alex & Eunice Malandy will be able to travel to the US for the 25th-anniversary celebration.
Safe travel for all who can attend.
The mission of The Warehouse Church – VA is to meet people where they are at and give them the opportunity to grow so that they may find fulfillment in knowing God and His purpose and plan for their lives.
Acts 1:8 And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
I will remain faithful to what the Lord has called me to do here at TWC.
The Holy Spirit will create in us a hunger and a drive to pray. The more we pray the more the Lord will do according to His will.
We would have favor with the people in Nelson County.
The Warehouse Sales next year will be better than ever, and more people’s needs will be met.
Workers and worshippers to be a part of this ministry.
How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? Romans 10:14b-15
Financial support for the missionary and their family.
Supplies for ministry activities, special equipment. such as film projectors, basic transportation, such as a bicycle
Fruitfulness as these missionaries go out among the unreached to share the gospel May God empower them to speak the Word with great boldness.
“To promote God’s plan of spreading the Gospel by supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ through prayer, involvement, and financial support.”
God’s Guidance
Strength & Joy
That The Gospel Will Spread Rapidly
Open Doors Of Opportunity
Tunisia is a secular country where the people have many freedoms including the right to convert to Christianity even for the Muslims. However, just this month we have seen drastic changes from these freedoms. Secret police have visited our believers at their homes and started investigating when they became a Christian, who helped them, and all the details about their lives. They even went to our safe house and ministry center, which are in secret locations known only by the local leader and the people who live and work there. There may be new trouble in Tunisia. We know that terrorist militia from Libya have crossed the border to Tunisia. A Facebook page was recently created to openly criticize Christianity and warn Tunisians against converting to Christianity. All this has happened within just a few days! Because of the new threats, our local teams are temporarily stopping prayer meetings and Bible studies.
That God would give the leaders wisdom—how do they navigate these new circumstances? Just last month they had freedoms, and now the secret police are investigating their personal lives and jeopardizing those freedoms.
That God would give believers boldness, that they would not be afraid to walk their faith and live as believers.
That God would protect them physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and that He would protect their families, homes, and belongings.
Thank you for praying!
Knowing | Growing | Going
We are a body of believers that believe in the fundamental need and desire of the heart to know God. We believe that after knowing Christ, there is a desire to grow into a mature follower of Christ and finally we believe there is a desire to share the wonderful news of the Savior with others.
Father | Son | Holy Spirit
In one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.