Prepare Awana Grand Prix Cars
Ottumwa Community Church 305 S Walnut Ave., Ottumwa, IA, United StatesMarch 26th Awana Prepare Awana Grand Prix Cars Supper from 5:30-6:00 pm Awana time 6:00-8:00 pm "AWANA" AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed ( 2 Timothy 2:15 ). The goal of AWANA is to reach elementary-age students for Christ, to train them to understand and rightly handle the Word of truth, to […]
OCC Youth Group
Ottumwa Community Church 305 S Walnut Ave., Ottumwa, IA, United StatesOCC YOUTH GROUP WORSHIPPING - FELLOWSHIPPING - STUDYING - PRAYING TOGETHER Wednesday 6:00 – 8:00 PM Life Skills / Testimonies
Thursday Evening Ladies Group
Ottumwa Community Church 305 S Walnut Ave., Ottumwa, IA, United StatesLadies join Carolyn Yeoman on Thursday evenings find out "What It Means To Be Chosen"! Beginning with study guide 1: of “What It Means To Be Chosen” by Amanda Jenkins, Dallas Jenkins, & Douglas S Huffman. In Season 1, you’ll take a deeper look into the Scriptures that influenced each episode—with script excerpts, quotes, and […]
Thursday Evening Men’s Group
Ottumwa Community Church 305 S Walnut Ave., Ottumwa, IA, United StatesMen join Pastor Bryan on Thursday as they go through "Man In The Mirror" by Patrick Morley. Identity. Relationships. Money. Integrity. What problems do you face? Men grappling with the pressures of everyday life don't need spiritual fluff---they need real answers, and Morley offers them in this revised and updated edition of his bestseller. Learn […]
Friday Men’s Breakfast
cafe By Country Kitchen 1107 N Quincy Ave., Ottumwa, IA, United StatesARE YOU AN EARLY RISER? Meet Keith Sammons at 7:15-8:45 for breakfast at Cafe By Country Kitchen and be filled physically and spiritually to start your day!
Bowling Party
Ottumwa Community Church 305 S Walnut Ave., Ottumwa, IA, United StatesJoin us at Champion Bowl for family fun! Don't bowl come on out and eat pizza and fellowship with your church family!
OCC Youth Group Sunday
Ottumwa Community Church 305 S Walnut Ave., Ottumwa, IA, United StatesOCC YOUTH GROUP WORSHIPPING - FELLOWSHIPPING - STUDYING - PRAYING TOGETHER Sunday 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM “Life Tools Of The Bible For The World We Live In Today” Communal Learning
Sunday School
Ottumwa Community Church 305 S Walnut Ave., Ottumwa, IA, United StatesSunday School Meets From 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM For All Ages. MEN'S GROUP: "1ST CORINTHIANS" / Kodjo Bossou YOUTH/ADULT: "Does God Exis Building The Scientific Case” by Stephen Meyer / John Trucano Why am I here? What is the meaning of life? Can we prove the existence of God, or are we left […]
Second Shift Group
Ottumwa Community Church 305 S Walnut Ave., Ottumwa, IA, United StatesNo time for an evening study because of working second shift! Here's a great option for you. Join Dwight Headley on Tuesday mornings at 10:15 - 11:45 for "Various Biblical Topics"
Tuesday Women’s Group
Ottumwa Community Church 305 S Walnut Ave., Ottumwa, IA, United StatesJoin us Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 - 3:00 for "How People Grow" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. How People Grow reveals why all growth is spiritual growth and how you can grow in ways you never thought possible. Our desire to grow runs deep. Yet the issues in our lives and relationships that we […]
Coffee & Conversation
Vine Coffee & Eatery 1207 N Jefferson Street, Ottumwa, IA, United StatesJOIN US FOR YOUR FAVORITE COFFEE AND CONVERSATION On Tuesdays From 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Awana Grand Prix
Ottumwa Community Church 305 S Walnut Ave., Ottumwa, IA, United StatesApril 2nd Awana Awana Grand Prix Supper from 5:30-6:00 pm Awana time 6:00-8:00 pm "AWANA" AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed ( 2 Timothy 2:15 ). The goal of AWANA is to reach elementary-age students for Christ, to train them to understand and rightly handle the Word of truth, to love Him, […]